
<a href=" Greymatter Sample" class="display-item">B-NOMALY Greymatter Sample</a>

B-NOMALY Greymatter Sample

Art by Anarchisme
Check the expiration date! This item is controversial far more than it is traditional contraband, but you likely don't have to worry about this coming from any B-NOMALY that you've befriended - samples were frequently taken from B-NOMALIES that existed before the labs were overtaken by rioting B-NOMS, and so this sample could be many, many years old. It could also get you a cringe at best depending on who you show it to, or reported to the authorities at worst, where you could be questioned on interplanetary decency and asked where you got such an unsanitary, biohazardous, and again, potentially expired sample.

CONTRABAND - Only obtainable by Rixixi with the Streetwise skill.

Exploring: CONTRABAND, Streetwise Rixixi only - Rare in Earth.

Rolls low.


  • CONTRABAND: Can be turned in to The Authorities for your choice of several rare items, or brought to Corona for assistance crafting it into rare items.
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